Europe Open Doors

European Union research impacts our daily life, from when we get up in the morning, until we go to bed. One of the crucial moment of the day is indeed going to school for students, teachers or going to the Lab for researchers, or living a learning experience for any other person.


In order to share and explore the impact of EU research on our lives the Open Doors Day of the European Commission was celebrated on May 6th, 2017, in Brussels, in which some EU funded research projects were presented to a wide audience. 

The PERFORM project was selected by the European Commission together with other 14 projects to present some of the main innovation ongoing processes in education.

The PERFORM spirit was perfectly presented by David Price, one of the best science buskers in Europe, who was able to inspire people and make them reflect on climate change just using an inflated rubber balloon.

David is a performer from Science Made Simple (UK), one of the three science communication partners within the PERFORM project, together with Big Van Theory (Spain) and TRACES (France), who are working on developing participatory performances to innovate science teaching and learning processes.

The event was attended by over 10.000 persons among which families, teachers, kids and researchers of all ages who engaged with science and technology topics as well as with reflections on societal challenges also thanks to the dialogue with Sandrine Gallois of the PERFORM project team.

Europe Open Doors

European Union research impacts our daily life, from when we get up in the morning, until we go to bed. One of the crucial moment of the day is indeed going to school for students, teachers or going to the Lab for researchers, or living a learning experience for any other person.


In order to share and explore the impact of EU research on our lives the Open Doors Day of the European Commission was celebrated on May 6th, 2017, in Brussels, in which some EU funded research projects were presented to a wide audience. 

The PERFORM project was selected by the European Commission together with other 14 projects to present some of the main innovation ongoing processes in education.

The PERFORM spirit was perfectly presented by David Price, one of the best science buskers in Europe, who was able to inspire people and make them reflect on climate change just using an inflated rubber balloon.

David is a performer from Science Made Simple (UK), one of the three science communication partners within the PERFORM project, together with Big Van Theory (Spain) and TRACES (France), who are working on developing participatory performances to innovate science teaching and learning processes.

The event was attended by over 10.000 persons among which families, teachers, kids and researchers of all ages who engaged with science and technology topics as well as with reflections on societal challenges also thanks to the dialogue with Sandrine Gallois of the PERFORM project team.

Europe Open Doors

European Union research impacts our daily life, from when we get up in the morning, until we go to bed. One of the crucial moment of the day is indeed going to school for students, teachers or going to the Lab for researchers, or living a learning experience for any other person.


In order to share and explore the impact of EU research on our lives the Open Doors Day of the European Commission was celebrated on May 6th, 2017, in Brussels, in which some EU funded research projects were presented to a wide audience. 

The PERFORM project was selected by the European Commission together with other 14 projects to present some of the main innovation ongoing processes in education.

The PERFORM spirit was perfectly presented by David Price, one of the best science buskers in Europe, who was able to inspire people and make them reflect on climate change just using an inflated rubber balloon.

David is a performer from Science Made Simple (UK), one of the three science communication partners within the PERFORM project, together with Big Van Theory (Spain) and TRACES (France), who are working on developing participatory performances to innovate science teaching and learning processes.

The event was attended by over 10.000 persons among which families, teachers, kids and researchers of all ages who engaged with science and technology topics as well as with reflections on societal challenges also thanks to the dialogue with Sandrine Gallois of the PERFORM project team.

Europe Open Doors

European Union research impacts our daily life, from when we get up in the morning, until we go to bed. One of the crucial moment of the day is indeed going to school for students, teachers or going to the Lab for researchers, or living a learning experience for any other person.


In order to share and explore the impact of EU research on our lives the Open Doors Day of the European Commission was celebrated on May 6th, 2017, in Brussels, in which some EU funded research projects were presented to a wide audience. 

The PERFORM project was selected by the European Commission together with other 14 projects to present some of the main innovation ongoing processes in education.

The PERFORM spirit was perfectly presented by David Price, one of the best science buskers in Europe, who was able to inspire people and make them reflect on climate change just using an inflated rubber balloon.

David is a performer from Science Made Simple (UK), one of the three science communication partners within the PERFORM project, together with Big Van Theory (Spain) and TRACES (France), who are working on developing participatory performances to innovate science teaching and learning processes.

The event was attended by over 10.000 persons among which families, teachers, kids and researchers of all ages who engaged with science and technology topics as well as with reflections on societal challenges also thanks to the dialogue with Sandrine Gallois of the PERFORM project team.

Jaime Delgado Horna

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