
Detailed protocols of performance-based science education methods and participatory educational processes, both of them targeted to teachers, education researchers and science communicators, will be generated. These protocols will explain how to co-create science education methods based on performing arts in different European educational contexts, addressing the most relevant aspects of the human dimension of science and RRI values.

Training toolkits will also be developed for both teachers and early career researchers interested to foster their communication skills and ability to develop performances to improve science learning. The toolkit will include background information on PERSEIAS, guidelines on how to develop the skills identified as essential for PERSEIAs and a collection of case studies and best practices resulting from the PERSEIA activities developed in the different participating countries as well as tips on how to implement them.


PERFORM will generate methodological protocols to develop effective approaches to promote a mutual learning scenario between scientific and educational communities that will lead students to the development of performance-based science education methods.


Protocols of tested science education methods to generate transformative participatory educational processes by using arts-based approaches will be generated. Training toolkits addressed to teachers will also be developed to foster their communication skills and ability to develop performances in formal education contexts.


Training toolkits addressed to early career researchers interested in science communication and education will be also developed.




PERFORM will generate guidelines for adapting the science education methods based on performing arts to the context of science museums.