Toolkit introduction
PERFORM brought early career researchers (ECRs) together with performers, teachers and secondary school students to develop performance-based activities that explored Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and the human dimension of science.
This toolkit shares key learning from the two rounds of bespoke training for early career researchers (ECRs) that took place in Spain, France and the UK as part of the Horizon 2020 PERFORM project between 2016 and 2018.
PERFORM toolkit introduction (PDF, 483kB)
PERFORM toolkit introduction (printable version) (PDF, 2.299kB)

Research Ethics and Integrity
This section outlines fundamental responsibilities of the research community. It presents some existing frameworks for Research Ethics and Research Integrity, designed to provide researchers with a common basis for defining and implementing tangible and enforceable guidelines.
PERFORM research ethics and integrity (PDF, 88kB)
PERFORM research ethics and integrity (printable version) (PDF, 81kB)

Reliability of Scientific Knowledge
This section examines the importance of reliability of scientific knowledge, for the scientific community and for society.
PERFORM reliability of scientific knowledge (PDF, 161kB)
PERFORM reliability of scientific knowledge (printable version) (PDF, 277kB)

Wellbeing at work
There is growing evidence that researchers experience mental health issues. This section provides data from studies, examples of how researchers can build healthy work environments, and tips to ensure wellbeing.
PERFORM wellbeing at work (PDF, 99kB)
PERFORM wellbeing at work (printable version) (PDF, 84kB)

Values in science
This section explores the ways in which values intersect with science. It introduces the core values of the scientific community and invites participants to make their own manifesto based on the ideal values of their academic community.
PERFORM values in science (PDF, 143kB)
PERFORM values in science (printable version) (PDF, 274kB)

Reflexivity in research
This section invites researchers to reflect on how their cultural background and personal identity can influence their research activity. It introduces feminist epistemologies that propose a framework of ‘situated knowledge’ and ‘strong objectivity’, through which the reflexivity of researchers on their specific position can enable an increased objectivity.
PERFORM reflexivity in research (PDF, 148kB)
PERFORM reflexivity in research (printable version) (PDF, 275kB)

Responsible Research and Innovation
This section introduces Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) as defined by the European Commission and explores two key aspects of RRI – public engagement and anticipation of possible applications of research.
PERFORM responsible research and innovation (PDF, 137kB)
PERFORM responsible research and innovation (printable version) (PDF, 260kB)

Performance approaches for exploring RRI
Performance methods, including the use of tools such as narrative and character, can be effective for opening up discussion on complex ethical issues in an engaging manner. This section explores the rationale for these approaches and proposes a straightforward performance activity for you to use, taken from the PERFORM project.
PERFORM performance approaches for exploring RRI (PDF, 149kB)
PERFORM performance approaches for exploring RRI (printable version) (PDF, 274kB)

Researcher toolkit videos
Watch the toolkit videos that were developed alongside these guides.
YouTube Playlist
Watch the four videos on YouTube