Casimiro Vizzini. – Responsible of the project at UNESCO
Dr. Casimiro Vizzini is an Expert in the division of Science Policy and Capacity-Building at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). He received his Medical Degree from the University of Palermo. After his residency he attended a master in International Cooperation at the “Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques” (IRIS) in Paris. In UNESCO he is responsible for the Human Variome Project (HVP) and the EU-funded project PERFORM. In addition Dr. Vizzini collaborates with the American Association for the Advancement in Science in the field of Science Diplomacy.
Alex Da Silva. – Consultant at UNESCO
Holds two Master degrees in Economics – One in Strategy of Firms and Organizations the other one in Marketing Intelligence. Before joining UNESCO as consultant, he was project manager at Société Général. Currently, he works on project in science co-operation and science education within the UNESCO Science sector. In particular, he collaborates in implementing and monitoring PERFOM.
Dr. Marga Gual Soler is a Senior Project Director at the Center for Science Diplomacy at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), where she explores the role of science as a universal language to help break down barriers and build bridges between peoples and nations. In this role, she implements a landmark science cooperation agreement between AAAS and the Cuban Academy of Sciences, develops the Center’s global science diplomacy education and capacity building initiatives, leads a global research project mapping and analyzing science-policy connection mechanisms around the world, and serves as an associate editor of the open-access policy journalScience & Diplomacy. Since 2015 Dr. Gual Soler serves in the “Research, Innovation, and Science Policy Experts” (RISE) high level group advising the Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas on the science diplomacy strategy for the EU, and has recently joined the advisory board of the Horizon 2020-funded project “Inventing a Shared Science Diplomacy for Europe” (InsSciDE).