Newsletter #1 – Reflections on innovation in education through performing arts
The first Perform newsletter explores the main features of the project from different perspectives. From the description of innovative science...
The first Perform newsletter explores the main features of the project from different perspectives. From the description of innovative science...
The first Perform newsletter explores the main features of the project from different perspectives. From the description of innovative science...
The first Perform newsletter explores the main features of the project from different perspectives. From the description of innovative science...
The first Perform newsletter explores the main features of the project from different perspectives. From the description of innovative science...
PERFORM generarà directrius per adaptar els mètodes d’educació científica basats en les arts escèniques al context dels museus de ciència.
PERFORM generarádirectrices para adaptar los métodos de educación científica basados en las artes escénicas al contexto de los museos de...
PERFORM va créer des recommandations afin que les méthodes d’enseignement des sciences utilisant les arts du spectacle s’adaptent au contexte...
PERFORM will generate guidelines for adapting the science education methods based on performing arts to the context of science museums....
També es desenvoluparan eines de formació dirigides a investigadors i investigadores novells interessades en la comunicació i educació científiques.
También se desarrollarán herramientas de formación dirigidas a investigadores e investigadoras noveles interesadas en la comunicación y educación científicas.
Enjoy the reading of the project newsletters. Articles written by the project partners and collaborators to explore the connection between performing arts and science education. Learn more